
Learn how to memorize 100 words in 30 minutes. In this meetup I will teach you the most powerful methods in the world for learning foreign and English vocabulary. From the frontiers of brain science, we now know that the human brain can learn far more efficiently than previously thought. By using the natural mechanisms of our whole brain, in conjunction with ancient memory systems, we can learn new languages at a fantastic rate, compared to people who do not use the same techniques. https://youtu.be/0x2_kWRB8-A https://youtu.be/Km9-DiFaxpU https://youtu.be/9ZE1NTEhxCM Read this excellent article for discussion: https://www.weareteacherfinder.com/blog/15-language-learning-techniques-polyglots/ Fascinating website. If you click on "Interviews" at the top of that website, then click any of the names, it has Q&A's on language learning, by dozens of people who speak many different languages: https://www.polyglotassociation.org/ 37 Amazing Polyglots Who Are Happy to Show You How They Do It: https://www.fluentu.com/blog/polyglot-language-learning/?nabe=4857995676876800%3A0&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F In this meetup you will learn how to learn by using the six main techniques that every top language learner uses to rapidly absorb and retain new words daily. These include the following: 1) Association: The only way to learn something new is to associate it with that which we already know or remember. 2) Animation: What is inanimate is unmemorable and therefore, unremarkable. By learning how to bring mental images to life in vivid detail, even for just a second, will lodge that idea in mind and make it stick. 3) Exaggeration: What is common is not commonly memorable. Exaggerated mental images that remind you of the ideas you wish to remember, is what makes it stand out in your mind. 4) Elaboration: By using the same creative thinking techniques that geniuses use we can learn how to absorb knowledge far more efficiently - substitute, reverse, combine, rearrange, connect the unconnected, etc. 5) Imagination: Our memory for sight is significantly more powerful than our memory for other sensory impressions. By practicing the art of visualizing images that remind us of that which we want to recall can have an extraordinary impact on long-term retention of knowledge. 6) Organization: By using specific places you have been, or by creating imaginary palaces and assigning locations in those places, you will learn how to remember and rapidly learn vast amounts of knowledge. Top memory champions who compete every year in the World Memory Championships know that vocabulary can be memorized at a significant speed by using the natural ability that we all possess. All of the top language learners in the world admit to using advanced memory techniques. http://memory-sports.com/blog/memory-techniques/random-word-systems/ http://www.world-memory-statistics.com/discipline.php?id=words15
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Aleksandra Mironova
Hey. Do you want to go with me to the speech of Architects?
Hey. Yes of course. This is my favorite band. just tell me a little about yourself first
ok)) give me a minute...
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