
•  Cost: $35 Call with questions[masked]Prepay paypal paypal.me/miraluckor email [masked] RELEASE OLD PATTERNS & MANEFESTElka BRINGS you through a process with Angelic presences & channeled information and mirroring techniques• IDENTIFY & bring blockages to the Light• TRANSMUTE different areas of your life• LIBERATE yourself from limited beliefsthat no longer serve you• Each person receives a personal healing Individual Healing Sessions Available - Call[masked] Elkas Full ScheduleThursday : Tampa 6:45 - March 23 – Earth Angel Gifts - Egg Aura Chord CuttingFriday : St Pete 6:45 - March 24th - Shamanic Rainbow - Angel Heart Open Healing Saturday : St Pete 6:45 - March 25th - Shamanic Rainbow - Release Patterns & Manifest Monday : Tampa 6:45 - March 27th - Micheal McDonalds Healing Center - Past Lives Workshop Tuesday : New Port Richey 6:45 - March 28th - Angel Touch Center - Release Core Patterns & Manifest Wednesday : Tampa 6:45 - March 29th - Mystikal Scents - Release Core Patterns & Manifest Saturday : Sarasota 2PM - April 1st - Cosmic Center of Healing Light - Egg Aura Manifest. Weekend Retreat $333 (includes two evening healing circles) Friday Night Angel Heart Healing (6:45PM - 9:00PM)Saturday10AM – 5PMEvening - (6:45PM - 9:30PM) Release Patterns & ManifestSunday10AM – 5PM WHAT HAPPENS IN A HEALING CIRCLE? In a Healing Circle with Shaman Elka Boren, a powerful healing vortex is opened and participants experience transformative energy first hand. Participants receive personal healings as Elka channels divine energy. People often feel the presence of light beings and receive personal messages from spirit guides, masters, angels and loved ones. Each Healing Circle is a unique and very dynamic healing experience to awaken inner gifts, clear energetic blocks, shift into higher energy frequencies, and connect with intuition and wisdom.• A powerful healing vortex is opened for the group • Ancestral healing takes place • Chakra clearing • Individual healings are offered to each participant • Recalibrates energy body & awakens inner gifts.From Central America, Reverend Elka Boren has been gifted since childhood with healing abilities, clairvoyance and a sensitivity that helps her see into the body on many levels. Elka has been trained by shamans to reach a high level of skill and has integrated advanced methods of subtle geometric grids to accelerate healing processes and remove blocks from the subtle and physical bodies. Elka's powerful technique moves people through life's phases, removing blocks at their root, shifting clients to higher energy frequencies, and bringing forward greater clarity and understanding.Cost: $35 http://elka.webplus.net/ Cost: $35
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Aleksandra Mironova
Hey. Do you want to go with me to the speech of Architects?
Hey. Yes of course. This is my favorite band. just tell me a little about yourself first
ok)) give me a minute...
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